How to reset Epson PictureMate PM235 / PM245

Epson PictureMate PM235/ PM245 photo printer is a  portability and speed, it retains good overall print quality for the price. It's fine for viewing photos and changing settings, but is too small to edit photos. We can set battery for it and two USB ports on the back allow you to connect the printer to a computer. It also supports USB flash drives. It can also print photos directly from memory cards. 

After its continued use your Epson PM235/ PM245 printer shows error message “The Printer’s Ink Pads at the end of Their service life” and your Epson PM235 / PM245 printer has red light blinking problem: You have to download and reset your Epson PM235  / PM245 printer. Then Follow following steps.

  1. Download Epson PictureMate PM235 /PM245 Adjustment program and Extract it.
  2. Run as Administrator and click OK
  3.  Then click on Accept. Another window will be display.
  4.  Click on Sequential Adjustment Mode. (If you have Epson PictureMate PM245, you should click on Select and choose (USB.....(PictureMate PM245) from Port and Click on OK.) then you will see another window. Methods of reset is same on both PM235 and PM245, you should only change USB Port from Port.
  5. Go down to right bottom by scrolling scrollbar. Choose Replacement from Waste Ink Pad and click on OK
  6.  Then click on 3 times on Next, then you will see another window.
  7.  Put tick mark on Main Pad Counter, I/S Pad Counter and Ink Tube Counter and click on Initialization. ( You can also click on Check. It shows status of your Waste Ink Pad.)
  8.  Then Click on Ok. After that your printer requires to Reboot. 
  9.  Turn off your printer and turn on again. After that close Adjustment program. Your printer will work fine. I suggest you always use its genuine cartridge.

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