How to Reset Epson L800 Printer waste ink pad counter with Adjustment Program? Modern Epson printers have built in software/firmware that keep a record of the number of copies and prints. When you reach a certain point, machines shows 'a printer's ink pad is at the end of its service life, please contact Epson Support' or your printer requires maintenance" or "Parts inside your printer may be worm" or "service required" error message with red light blinking and you are not allowed to do any work. We panic, rush to the nearest service center and pay expensive money for service charge and also lost our important time. There is also a possibility that a trained technician of a service center will damage the printer/machine. To get rid of such problems, I have been constantly sharing my practical knowledge through blogs. Hopefully this solves your problem and saves you time and money. At the same time, your self-confidence increases and so does your satisfaction. Please follow the steps:-
Follow steps:-
➥ Disable your antivirus program.
➥ Download Epson L800 Adjustment Program here....
➥ Extract zip file.
➥ Run AdjPro file.
➥ Then go to select button and choose your printer model name, choose port and click on Ok.
➥ After that click on particular adjustment mode.
➥ Then choose Waste Ink Pad Counter and click on Ok.
➥ Put tick mark ✅ Main Pad Counter and ✅ Platen Pad Counter.
➥ Click on Initialization.
➥ Click on Ok>>OK. Now, there is an option to restart your printer.
➥ Turn off your printer and turn on again.
Now your printer is completely reset.
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